Friday, February 25, 2005

Blinks in time

The answer is no. NO I do not have a life. That is why this little blog is my only friend. Let me say that yesterday I actually had an intelluctual converstation with the one and only Kristin who is very intuellucutal herself. But it really made me think, I feel like Derek Zoolander and he asks his reflection "Who am I?" and it responds "I don't know". I mean who are we? If you think about it our lives are like nothing in the big scheme of things. Now I'm not saying I am nothing, I'm just saying that in 100 years from now, I don't think anyone on this earth will have any idea who I am. It's sad, but true. I mean it's just the human race in general, we've only been living here a short period of time compared to the dinosaurs. They were just beginning their existance and we feel we have gotten so far in life. Ha.
We have accomplished a lot in our pathetic excuse for existance, it's amazing at how smart humans are. Like how did the first caveman even know how to make fire? Did it happen by accident? All I know is that is amazing. I'm sure they were frightened of it at first too, I mean think about it, not knowing what fire is and seeing it for the first time would scare the shit out of me. And who thought of computers and dvds and cds and how they all work is beyond me. Some people would think that is common sense, but I don't even know how my desk was built. Yeah with wood and stuff but if I were to live by myself for a period of time, I would die within two weeks I would say because I would either starve, be killed by another animal, freeze to death or I might just catch myself on fire (assuming I got a fire going in the first place).
This conversation all started out with a mere apple yesterday at lunch and I just found it weird that I was eating this strange thing that grows off a tree. And then Kristin and I became immediately amazed by everything surrounding us, and I felt like I was stoned. Or at least what I hear it's like to be stoned. How did people know way back in the day what they could eat and not eat? Was it all trial and error. Like one day Bob eats a deadly mushroom and the next week he dies and his friend LaShandra writes it down in her record book "note to self: don't eat red mushroom"?? I mean how did that all come about?
Also in plant life we learned about this specific type of fungi that grows on the tips of wheat. And looking back researchers found out that that was the same stuff that was growing during the Salem Witch trials. So they were harvesting that wheat and eating the posionous fungi. Our teacher told us that it makes people hallucinate and constricts your veins and is extremely painful. Also it causes women who are pregunant to abort their childeren or cause deformities. So all these women were having deformed childeren with extra limbs and stuff and people thought that was the work of the devil. So they burned them. She also said it can be linked back in biblical stories about visions certian figures had. So what if half of the stuff we learned in church wasn't even true, it's all just made up but people thought it was true because they were sick. Who knows... they could have all been eating posions except Jesus!
I don't necessairly believe that, it's just an interesting thought. I just don't see why none of that cool stuff can happen today. This is just the thoughts going on in my head, I don't really know what to make of it. What I do know is that people spend more than half their lives trying to make money and by the time they finally have enough and they want to retire, they're too old to do much of anything. It's sad really how our society is so centered around money and how eveything you want to do always seems to cost so much. I mean life is so short if you look at the big picture, we are all so meaningless in the big existence. Just like blinks in time. So small we can barely even see who existed when.
Those are just some thoughts, but it drives home my philosophy about life. It's too short so live it to it's fullest. And yes that is cliched and repetitive and I've heard it a million times, but I still believe it and I try tell myself just that much more. Our families aren't here forever, and as sad as it is to think about, one day my parents won't be here and I will have to see that happen. I mean the people you grew up with all your life are going to disappear slowly. And getting old is going to be awful. Ha, I think I'm fat now, I should just be happy with myself because it's not going to get a lot better. Especially when I'm old and wrinkley.
So I am going to try to have a better outlook on things. Not saying that I think everything sucks now, just saying there is not much of a reason for me not to be happy. And I am going to value my friends and family that much more, because they are my everything.
Well that entry was somewhat disturbing, but it was thought provoking (for me at least) and just boggles my mind all of the things I am so clueless about (a lot more than most people). But that's all I want to say for now. I won't write again till later this weekend since I am going home to get my new cell phone! YAY! And don't even get me started on how cell phones work... it's amazing. What a world we live in.
O yes, and how does space go on FOREVER? I mean is there a limit to how far the universe can go for? And Kristin informed me that the earth is 1/10000 of the sun! And our continent is smaller than that and so is our country and then you zoom into tiny Colorado and my town and then me. I am just a spec. And then the bacteria and an ATOM. Wow. What if we are just inside of something bigger? What if our universe is someone else's pebble and we are within their universe as well? And I just don't get how the world is round. I mean I do in a sense, but it's hard to see when you are just swimming in the ocean. It seems like there is an ending when the sky hits the sea. Again, what a world we live in.
Ok time for class. My head hurts, I don't want to think anymore. taha BYE.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Lauren and I with the Hawaiians! The hottest one ran away with the torch...damn. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

BiTs aNd PieCeS

Hey hey. Today is a day that will go down in history. I did some homework before it got dark!! I know it's a lot to handle, but it's true. There are a few thoughts that I would like to have in the record books. First of all I am sore. Yes, that's so sad because we lifted normal weights yesterday but it's because we haven't lifted in a while. But we are going to run (if I can learn how) and then go in the hot tub, no swimming tonight. Secondly I must say that country music makes me in a good mood, even though I don't like all of it, I do like most of it. I like a lot of different types of music. ANYDANGWAY, I would like to either a) go skiing/snowboarding or b) go to the beach. One of those would be great. OK story time!
Ahem, today a girl we shall call her... Katinka, she was at lunch with her friends. She's not the brightest girl you will have ever met because Katinka has done some pretty dumb things in her life, things like turn into of a 300 pound man's car, get lost when she was five minutes from her house, ate shit right next to a sign that read "Caution wet steps", asked someone how he takes pictures of two people when there is just two people, bitten into a tomato and had the juice squirt out onto a random stranger in front of her... various things like that, and she tends to get lost and wander away often. So back to the story, she was trying to throw a chunk of food on her friend's plate, but over estimated her distance and thew it into the meal of another fellow student. Katinka was embarassed but that's what she gets for being stupid. HA HA dumb Katinka.
Wasn't that the best story you ever heard? I bet so. Best damn story I ever told. Now I must go partake in some birthday festivities across the hall.
That was the big bash of '05!! Sweetness. We made characters out of balloons, what could be better than that. GOOD NEWS! I am getting a new cellular device this weekend when I go home. YESSS finally. How do cell phones even work? I mean I know some of how they work, but who thought of a phone and phone lines and all that stuff. I will tell you who. Alexander Graham Bell that's who. Pure genius. Another thing Maroon 5 is coming to town April 26th, Pepsi Center at 7! I have to get tickets...humm who out of my three friends would want to come? Don't all jump at once on this one. Well before I go I want to give a shout out to the things you use everyday, but you don't think about them (and the brand names that made them):

Thanks to Wal-Mart for providing me with socks that keeping my feet warm
Thanks to Just Basic for making hair ties without metal parts that keep my mop out of my face
Thanks Equate for making nutrient enriched lotion that keeps my skin smooth
Thank you Blistex for making chapstick that keeps my lips kissable
I wanna thank Athletic Works for making lifting gloves so I don't get blisters. And even though people may think I am swaying the opposite way--I DONT CARE THEY HELP ME!
I want to give a shout out to Swingline for making my stapler that I use on a daily basis.
And last but not least Scotch for providing me with my much needed tape to hang up pictures. And the duct tape company because I use that with everything, Duct tape you are my answer to everything!
So thank you everyone! I am going to go do my homewok, but I will be back! Peace and hair grease.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Me on a tractor.  Posted by Hello

Monday, February 21, 2005


Ok, well I really should be going to bed. Because it's late and I have to wake up early. But I just wanted to come on and say a few things. First of all I titled this peice "Ebony" because it's really dark in this room and I just learned that word this weekend. What a great word. Secondly, I just finished writing these setting things for creative writing and I think I did mine wrong. Oh well I am doing really bad in school right now. But we won't talk about that.
On the other hand I have good news. I have somewhat recovered my imagination. I didn't get all of it back, but it's coming back to me slowly. I just needed a little inspiration and a little bit of love and WHAM it's gonna all hit me. No, not really. The point here is that I am feeling a little better upstairs but I still have some cobwebs to clean out. So my point being I am writing my speech about dreams (Ashley actually helped me think of that) and my story is about all this interesting stuff. Even though Lauren did mention that it was kinda like the Disney movie "Johnny Sunami"...yeah...
Also, I would just like to say a few of my favorite words: Plethora, epiphony, tubular, annialate, DOMINATE, luscious, enchanted, spectacular... those are just a few. I just felt like saying that. Don't make fun of me. And here kids is the defination of the day Talisman is a trinket, object or charm. Another thing I would like to say is Hitch was pretty funny, and I had a good weekend. But I didn't get anything done. But if you have nothing else to do you can:

A. Have a dance party with your friends to old NSYNC music
B. Make up creepy voices to songs (especially interesting parts of songs)
C. Listen to your roommate and the kid next door get in a "fight"
D. Lint roll your floor
E. Watch the All-Star dunk contest.
So there are some things you can do if there is absoutely nothing else to do. In which case there usually isn't and then those things turn out to be a lot of fun. But I really did have fun dancing to Nsync. And making up the voices. That was a good night. Or you can always make up characters with your roommate... you have the dorks with the glasses and high pants--Chad and Peter, you have your deep voiced man, Dan, you have your Asian get the point. But it's always good for some laughs.
Well I'm going to go to bed. This was pretty unproductive as usual, but otherwise I would just be sleeping... and how fun is that. Especially when you have weird dreams about random people. Ok well goodnight!