It has been much too long. Well contrary to the beginning of this month, summer is beginning to fly by. It's been going well, I've been making money and seeing most of the people I want, so I have no complaints.
Well I take that back, I do have a few. Today was rather an annoying day starting with a power outage last night that was somewhat creepy and extremely hot. All the fans went off obviously and I was not happy to say the least. Especially since I have trouble sleeping in complete silence. Later I woke up to a phone call from Lauren which was good, but the dreams I had were pretty strange. Then at work, some little kid decided they needed to pinch off a turd in the pool, so we had to shut down for a few hours. Along with that, the grills and the phone at the pool didn't work which made my dad even more angry than usual. So of course he yelled at me. But that's nothing new. And of course Lauren's dad and Kristin's mom are REALLY annoying me. Either being almost intentionally malicious or treating her like she's 10. They are both pretty irrational sometimes. My day got much better after a delicious dinner at Chipolte with my brothers and then a movie with Matt and Hannah at Matt's. So it ended better than it started.
I can't even remember the last time I wrote, or what I wrote, so my apologies if I repeat myself. Well so far I've been up to Fort Collins once, we went and hung out at Hannah's new house, which is the most perfect college house I have ever seen. We also got to go see her at work, and I loved it there. Mishukawa (I have no idea how to spell that) is awesome, and I took some cool pictures (see way below). I also got to spend some much needed time with Kristin and see her new place as well. As usual I've been working a lot, which is nice, I got my second pay check today so that will go to good use. Besides that I haven't been doing too much, just hanging out with people. I really haven't done anything this week, I've been pretty tired and there's not a whole lot going on. I did hike my first 14er on Sunday which was pretty exciting. I definately want to do that a few more times this summer. Again, there are pictures below.
Last weekend I got to see Andy and Ashley, both of whom I haven't seen this whole summer, save maybe once. So that was nice, it was good to catch up (even though I talk to Ash everyday anyway) and Friday night Ash T, Lauren, Jack and I attended at Rockies game which was really fun. Afterwards we met Chip at Bonnie Brae for a delicious treat of death by chocolate ice cream for me. And of course it was a grand old time. Always is with that crew. Oh, and after my hike on Sunday I stopped by my grandma's and got to talk to her for a while, which was good, we needed to talk.
Tomorrow I am working for an hour and then heading over to Skyline for the 24 hour swim-a-thon for Molly. I am really excited to do it, and I am happy that they got so many people to do it. I have been reading her blog everyday, which is really sad, but I'm glad I can keep updated on her current status. She's doing a little better everyday, and at this point that's all we can ask for. So that should be good, I am hoping to get some sponsers asap as well. After that I think I am going to make my way up to Fort Collins once again for a day at Horsetooth and a night in my warm, big, bed. I can't wait. Then I'm working everyday next week and probably heading up to Boulder on Saturday to see my long lost friends there. And the weekend after that is already the String Cheese concert! AH! Time is flying! It won't be too long before I need to move out/move in. At that time I will know summer is almost over.
Well as usual I wanted to write something a little more profound, but I just don't have it in me right now. I'm pretty exhausted and I need to get some energy for tomorrow. So I am going to leave and promise more pictures and hopefully more worthy writing.
Until then, good tidings and...