Well well well. It has been a little while since I last wrote and even longer since I have said anything worth while. If I ever have. So many things have been running through my head since school has been out and I don't really know how to even start writing them down.
I have begun to realize how completely strange and unexpected life can be and how nothing should be taken for granted. I am so blessed and lucky to have the people I have in my life and everything around me that I do. I don't know what I would do without my friends or family.
Anyway school is over, my grades weren't very good but at least it's done with. AND... the week o' fun is almost over! :( Damn. But it has indeed been a week o' fun. No work, no school, no nothing, just fun. I've gone to horsetooth, a Rockies game, played frisbee a few times, hung out with all my friends, played some card games, gone to Denver a few times, went to a concert in Boulder, enjoyed the weather, seen people who I haven't seen in a while, watched my brothers' swim meet...
All in all it's been a damn good week. And tonight is my last night home. My last night really living here. Next time I come up it will only be for a night or two and after a few times of that I'll be moving out.
It seems like just yesterday that I moved in. As much as I don't want to move, I think it will all be ok. The roommate switch up will be a little weird at first, but I have no doubt in my mind that I will remain close with Jen no matter what.
And our new place is cute. I like it.
But that won't be for a while. Until then I have an entire summer of working. Which will be good because I really need money, but at the same time I know I will be sick of the pool after about 3 weeks. Besides working I need to work out, I want to do a lot of biking, hiking, maybe some running, swimming and lifting. It will be good to get into a routine again, but I need to make sure I'm not just all talk. And besides working and working out I will be hanging out with people. Which will be good of course. I'm excited to have a relaxing summer, but I know I will be ready to come back here after 3 months with my parents again.
So tomorrow I'm back in Dtown and working right when I get there. Wednesday is glorious CPR recertification at Creek, which will be an absolute blast and besides that I don't really know what's going on.
Working and at one point I need to make time to have a little chat with someone. It's nice not to have any big plans going on, and I'm excited to get going with work. Ok I am just repeating myself. I keep saying the same old shit over and over again.
My apologies.
Anyway, below are pictures from last weekend and eventually above will be pictures from the week o' fun. I'm not doing too well with taking picts every few minutes like usual, but they're not too shabby.
Once again, happy summer!
I will be back in the near future.