Friday, March 11, 2005

I love this girl! Posted by Hello

Uh o Elliot peed on the chair! haha Posted by Hello

Um yeah... Posted by Hello

Those crazy boys Posted by Hello

Drew, Katie, some girl, Zach and I Posted by Hello

Um yes... I was trying out new hair styles Posted by Hello

This is the beginning of me and Katie's KARAZY night! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Girls at the lacrosse game! Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Oops, this wasn't supposed to be here. But while I am here I just want to say that it is such a small world. I met this kid last night that I used know when I was really little. KARAZZY! Welp read below entry to find out more about what's crackin. Peace.

Open the Door

The lint roller is stuck to the children's Bible. O no. I just would like to say that I have recently discovered somethings that I would like to point out as annoying. 1. dry skin 2. hair. Mostly hair though cause it gets everywhere and it's just sick. I really don't like when you have that one piece stuck to you and you can't find where it is. Also I don't like the little chunk on the end of your lotion bottle. KC and I were talking about this, and even though it's just dried up lotion, it's still pretty sick.
So yesterday was a good day, went to kickboxing, ice cream, lacrosse game, ear pierced and later a party which was just dandy (besides some circumstances that were unavoidable). And today should be a day filled with homework and more homework. And since I have stayed up until four in the morning both nights this weekend I am pretty drained, and so is Lauren. But we have one more week of hell fill of exciting assignments, tests and quizzes galore! I just can't wait. And then I'm going home! Yahoo! And Boulder Saturday night, let's hope it all works out.
Welp I should get to doing all my work, but I will be back no doubt. Buh bye!
Oh, P.S. the reason I titled this "Open the door" was really for no specific reason, I mean I don't even want the door to be opened. I would say I am feeling stuffy in my head and I need to open the door to clear out some mental stagnant air... yeah, we'll just leave it at that.
Now get outta here!