Thursday, July 14, 2005

Raging bull theory

Once again I am extremely tired, but I deem it necessary as a devoted blogger to write about my undeniably exciting life...

Well, worked again today and instead of doing math homework or teaching a lesson I came home and talked on the phone. Then there was class in which I was extremely antsy as I blew bubbles with my gum, messed around with my water bottle, repeatedly put my sunglasses on and off and doodled thoughts and pictures all over my notes. Obviously I wasn't bored at all. Not one bit. It still boggles my mind how someone can teach math for three hours straight. And it boggles my mind even more that people can sit there and listen that long. I make it usually an hour and a half and after that I might as well not even be there. My teacher kept talking about the raging bull theroy of algebra, as in the answers aren't as hard as one might think so they zoom right by it. I think it would be better if the theory had something to do with algebra making me a raging bull by the end, especially when he drowns on about functions. And now that phrase is stuck in my head. Raging bull. Ha, I'll show you a raging bull.

On another note, I am really sore from lifting this morning. It's so sad because I did really easy stuff but it's been so long since I've lifted anything but either the watering can, a trash bag or my math book, that I'm hurting. It probably didn't help that I was throwing little kids around in the pool today either.

That's another thing I have realized this summer is that I am starting to love kids. I was dreading having to be around them all summer, but now it's almost as if I want to, I surround myself with them. I love making them laugh, and the things they say crack me up. All the kids in my lesson today agreed that I was the best teacher they had ever had. I was very flattered to recieve such a grand compliment from such wonderful members of society. But really, it's nice. They aren't dramatic, and I'm getting pretty good with the threats these days that they usually think twice before whining.

I was going to write about my weekend, but it sorta makes me sick to think about how much I ate and even more sick to think about how much I drank... So we'll go into that when we make a list later of other things I learned this summer.
Here is a quote that was discussed between friends that may give a little insight to the weekend (their intials will be used for their own protection)
AG: How was the rest of you night?
JD: Well I puked and made out with a Mexican named Sanchez
O man. And the army fatigues was a huge hit. I'm glad everyone was so entertained.
Anyway, It was a really good weekend, despite how it looks. I'm not complaining at all, I mean what more could you ask for, I had food, friends, and a good time all together.

Ok, well I am turning in a role of film, so I will have some more picts soon. I cannot beleive I only have one more week until North Carolina. I can't wait to get out of here and just take a week to relax and have nothing to worry about except my tan and which wave I'm going to catch next. I remember when I got to 50 weeks and lost count. And now it's one. Time sure flies.
Ok, time for bed, goodnight.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well here are the wonderful new picts from last night. Ha, Kristin left me a comment on my last entry that pretty much described what we learned from that night, but I'll be back later to add more detail. Or maybe not, I don't really know if more detail is necessary. Tonight I was going to sleep at the pool since we had the guard party, but I am WAY too tired to sleep on a lawn chair. I will write more later, and I will have more picts from summer events in the near future. Now I am going to bed... ahhh, finally.

Look at all of those hotties! Especially the two in the back--on fire! Posted by Picasa

Aww! I am loved! Posted by Picasa

Getting the party started! Posted by Picasa

Katie and I just getting in a little late night workout. Yeah don't mess with us. Posted by Picasa

Jenn and Katie...and then there's me. Yeah, don't ask... Posted by Picasa

Me, Jenn, Katie and Christie at Elise's Posted by Picasa