Driving along the street on a nice day you may see several things that are of no surprise to you. You see people walking their dogs, women walking with their kids, people running, biking and even skateboaring or roller blading. It feels good to see people out exercising, and even better when you do it yourself. But I must ask, do you workout to look good or work out to feel good?
Ah yes, a question parallel with the age old question of do you eat to live or do you live to eat? Working out is something that most people in America seem to try and fit into their schedule. Even if it is not an everday occurance, it is usually an everyday thought. What is the number one New Year's resolution? Lose weight. Get those extra holiday pouds outta here! So why then does it become increasingly harder to find the time to do it? And even when it is fit into our jam packed schedules, why does it soon become an obsession? When the routine is interrupted people tend to feel guilty. By starting off nice and easy we can achieve long term results and hopefully not look as scary as the person pictured above.
Seven out of ten people admitted to working out to look good, but most of them did comment on the fact that they did feel good after they did it. So then the issue becomes actually getting out there and doing it. Once that is done, it becomes easier to do it. But the dreadful time comes when a few days of not working out turn into a few weeks which then turn into a few months. When does the want turn into the need? When do people ever say, "I really want to workout"? Much more often the words 'need' replace want and the task soon becomes a chore. Working out for people who are not extreme athlethes does not usually top their list of things they want to do. It might fall into place next to vaccume the house and go to the gorcery store. So how do we break the monotony? How can working out be something that is looked forward to instead of dreaded? How do we get excited to endure pain? Over time I have found some helpful tips. Since I am now a retired athlete and the days of manadatory pratice are long behind me, I have had to be creative in doing things that I originally loathed. Here is what I have discovered:
1. Variety. Mix it up if you can. One day run, one day go to a dance class, one day bike, one day swim, one day try a new machine, one day go on a walk or run outside instead of the gym. Things like this can really up your motivation.
2. Take it easy. Now I don't mean be a loafer when you are working out, that totally defeats the purpose, but don't go into a workout dreading the task you have made for yourself. Go into it with little expectations, but high hopes. Know that when you start working out your body will be able to kick it to the next level. The endorphines should give you a good mental high and then you are able to gage when and how to push yourself. You will always be more pleased with your outcome the harder you push yourself. The next time you go to workout have the light
expecations to try and do the same thing and you will probably surprise yourself by doing more.
3. Take a break. Don't workout everyday for 3 hours, but don't only go once a week for 1 hour. You need to be consistant but know when it is ok to take a day off. Have a goal in mind of trying to go a certian amount of days so you don`t overwhelm yourself or pack your schedule too tight.
4. Know what is good for you. Ideally the best time to work out is in the morning. Not ideally is the fact that we all love our sleep in the morning. Try different things, know when you feel best to go. It is always better to go for a little bit than to not go at all. The body needs about 30 min a day of some sort of workout that will get your heart thumpin. No need to over-do it, but if you do, know that there will be days where you just don't want to. And that is ok too, just don't make it a habit.
5. Working out goes hand in hand with eating well. There are times when you are going to want to splurge and that is just fine, especailly since you are working out. But you will look better and feel better if you try and stay healthy. Having a snack about an hour before working out is going to help your energy level as well as drinking water a little before, a little during and a little more after is going to feel good. The prime time to get food into your body is about 20 to 30 minutes after your workout. Even if it is just a few crackers or a piece of fruit before dinner, this will do your body good. It will be able to keep your metabolism up and help you avoid binging.
6. Do what you like. There is no point in forcing yourself to run or swim if you really hate it. Do what you like to do. It always helps to bring your favorite music with you to get you motivated and pumped up!
7. Enjoy where you are. Especially if you have a ton to do and you are feeling stressed out working out will help those feelings. Most of the time we feel like we dont have the time, but even 30 mins can be spared in our work-a-day worlds. Make the time and enjoy it while you are there. Don`t think about the work you need to do, let it slip your mind and make the time you are working out YOU time. People watch, think about something you like, enjoy the feeling of your body being healthy.
8. Go alone or bring a friend. If you feel like you workout better when someone is there to push you, then have a friend come along. Or maybe you dont think you will get done what you need to, then go by yourself. Try out both, maybe switch it up, remember, variety is the spice of life!
9. Don't be shy. Don't be shy to find out when the classes you would like are. Don`t be shy to get really sweaty because that is what it is all about. Just know that you are working harder than the slackers who aren`t as sweaty!
10. Live longer. Keeping active will surely make you live a longer, healither life. Even if you already look good and you know that you don`t need to workout to maintain your image, just know that you will be thanking yourself later if you make an effort to fit it into your week. Working out never felt so good and when you begin to see the results you will not want to stop.
Although it can be hard to keep this active lifestyle rolling, just know that you will not regret it in the slightest. Now, I'm by no means an expert in this walk of life--far from it in fact, but I do know that whether you work out to look good or work out to feel good, just know that either one will result in the other and lead to better overall health and happiness! And if nothing else works for motivation just buy a really cute pair of pants that you don't fit into now and know that you will want to fit into them eventually (boys you can do it too!).