Knowing that probably not a single soul reads this, I am not sorry I have been gone for so long to anyone but myself. I could go through the excuses but since I am the only one reading this I already know them. I also already know they don't amount to much. If I want to write I will write and if I want to do everything else on the planet besides write, I will do that as well. Thankfully, being in school for writing actually makes me write. So here I am blogging again after what must be years of drought.
It's not really like I even have anything to write, a lot of things have changed but there are a lot of things that are still the same. Thankfully, I have a different job, almost a new degree, a newish apartment, still no money, an oldish boyfriend and a strange outlook on life.
There are times, I'm sure everyone has them, where you wake up (maybe literally--like for me) and you are surprised where you are in life. Many times it is just that--simple surprise. Other times I am shameful I am not where society says I should be. Other times its awe that I am already 28. I am also surprised how happy I usually am even though I haven't accomplished all the goals I set out to do when I finished college. Maybe I will regret it when I can't retire until I am old and wrinkly. But right now I am blissfully unaware of that far in the future. I will probably be mad I didn't wear sunscreen by then too.
My job situation was frustrating me. That was the number one thing I could not get over. Days went by where it was ok and then a terrible day would come and I would tell myself and anyone who would listen that I'm not subbing again next year, no way. I just didn't know any other ways to get my foot in the door for a teaching position. So I kept subbing and I kept saying I wasn't going to do it again. And then I kept doing it. For FIVE YEARS. I'm a little slow at things. So now that I have a new job and it's perfect for me this year. I finally feel settled for a little bit in that department. Before that it was this knucklehead of a boy I'm in love with. It took us a while to realize we were in love. Now we say it to each other everyday.
I also decided I didn't like living alone. For as much as I learned when living alone in Japan and Denver, after four years of it I was over it. So I moved in with my best friend from high school and that couldn't be going better either. We are both busy, but when we're home together we have a hard time getting things done because we can't stop gabbing. We'll figure it out one of these days, but if we had a problem, that's the best one to have. We love the area, the pool and the neighbors. Just not the parking. Or sometimes the stairs.
The summer has been the best one that I can remember but then again I don't remember back very far. Summer is always good but this one was filled with just a little bit of work, a lot of class, a tiny bit of working out, a lot of happy hours, concerts, park days, pool days, mountain days and fun. I have three weeks before fall quarter starts so even though work has started, I plan on soaking the second half of each day up before the weather gets crisp and the homework starts to roll in again.
On the agenda:
Happy Hour x3
New York
Las Vegas
And coming soon in September...concerts galore!
I'm happy to be blogging again, hopefully I can start a few times a week even when I am in class. We shall see. I might even post some pieces I've done for school. We'll see.
My new motto is productive, happy, healthy.
Live free!