Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Paper airplanes and tossed salad

Ok, I really really should be doing my homework. And if not that, at least returning some phone calls. But I can't think. Therefore I can't talk or really read. I believe this is a good way to warm up my brain before I have to write my paper. Which I am nervous about because my teacher is judging me. And I don't like it when people judge me. It's very nerve racking. Ach, that reminds me of rush. They were all judging me at rush and I didn't like it at all. Bad memories.

Moving right along I am tired as always but I also have some new physical alliments to add to my long list of complaints.
First of all my hands hurt like a bitch. I think it's all this writing and typing I've been doing. I have a feeling I am getting carpel tunnel. What do you do when you get carpel tunnel? I sure hope it's not a painful healing process...
Secondly, my foot hurts! Yeah, that's right, my foot. Why? Who freaking knows. I'm a swimmer for Moses's (I didn't want to say pete or God) sake. It hurts even worse when I walk on it. Maybe I should ice it. Ouch my wrists are burning as I type feriously. If that's how you spell it. I am going to be a terrible English teacher. I can't even spell. Shit.

Well this week has been pretty sucky. I have had way too much shit to do, and no time (that I feel that I have) to do it. What I mean by that is yeah, there's lots of time, but I always have something else to do than the thing I'm supposed to do. My procrastination problem is at an all time high. At least my room is looking pretty clean seeing that when I think about starting my hw, I always figure I should clean my room first...and the dishes...and water the lawn...and play with the dog...and talk to my family or roommates...BUT after those important items are off the list I can start my homework. After I look through some pictures...and read everyone's away message...and check facebook...and other blogs...
O blast.

Scholar student right here. I know it.

Once again, lifting in the early morning, so I should be going to bed NOW...but I have to write a paper. I just have a few more things I want to say before I start the dreaded deed from the firey pits of hades. Wow, that was dramatic. It's not really all that bad.
I can't wait for the weekend. Even though I have freaking swim practice on Sat and Mon mornings. I am not happy about that at all because I can only go out on Saturday night. Some people may say, why? It's at eight, that's not too bad, I'm sure you can still go out and be fine in the morning. And I say to that, fuck you. I can't because I am a dedicated athlete and a determined young lady. Plus I don't really feel like getting kicked out mid-practice like last year. It wasn't the most fun passing out in the locker room and walking back to my dorm in my swim suit. I've had better experiences. That's mainly why I am so bitter. I just can't do it.

Although swimming has already ruined my drunken fest weekend before it could even start, I do see some good things to come out of it.... uh....ok, wait! I got one, I will not get all those extra calories and lose all those brain cells. And we all know I can't afford any more calories or afford to lose any more brain cells. So ha ha suckers. I am going to be beautiful AND smart.
HA. Haha. As if.
That's a good one, as if. I haven't heard it since the movie "Clueless".
And I really don't need to go out AND drink. I can just go out. Or stay in. I am not that pathetic, I don't need anything! Except maybe some ice cream right now. Mmmm.

I have already written too much. And too long. It's wearing on my mind and spirit. Ok, I will stop feeding myself bullshit. I just need to get it together and write my paper. But maybe I'm not warmed up enough... I will be soon. Just a few more orders of business.
I think the hurricane is really sad. But it IS below sea level and yeah. I read the newspaper today (the most reading I've done all week--I am finding it somewhat ironic that I am an English major) and it was really depressing, but in some way, I beleive it's nature's way of saying something. I don't know what... Maybe that we're all GOING CRAZY! AHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHH. I think I am.
I just thought Lauren brought me a buscuit, but it was just my eye liner sharpener. Damn it. I got all excited for nothing.

Curses! That's what I say to this situation. My situation. I don't wanna be in school. I wish I could win the lottery and the power ball and become famous. Then I wouldn't have to go to school. But I still would, because I want to get an education and even if I am falling asleep in class, I figure it's better than nothing. Plus I would have no friends. Not a single soul.

Geeze. Jen just left and the dog is freaking out. He just needs to calm down. They just went to Panera. Which reminds me, we went to Chipolte and it was tasty. And we got to see the downtown city night life of Fort Collins. All those cars and people... it was beautiful. Ok, now I am just making things up. I'm not even telling the truth anymore. I mean we did go to Chipolte, but all that city night life shit is just me rambling.
Ha, Lauren just called me noodle foot. And to that I say yogurt face! Mmmm yogurt. Goddamn. I need to concentrate and stop trying to think of other things and think of my paper and why education is important to me. Hummm. That is a stretch, it's gonna hurt thinking about this one.

This weekend I might, wait let me emphaize that more, MIGHT have a visitor. I have no doubt in Chris's driving ability and no doubt in his wanting to see me (or do I?), but it still amazes me that someone might acutally be coming! It just brings a tear to my eye. But we'll see. Maybe I will have to bribe him...

Well hopefully I will be back soon. Probably with some picts and maybe even a poem... if that's what you want to call it. Or a bunch of words written underneath each other in hope for some sort of meaning. I'll write soon. For lack of something better to do. It's sometimes so wearing how incredibly exciting my life is, but I must proceed on. Oh who am I kidding? I will be back tomorrow. Until then Bon Vojage! Or however you spell. And yes, I know that is have a good trip. And I meant it. Have a good one.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Not just one roommate loves me.... Posted by Picasa

They all love me! I heart you Westward hoes! Posted by Picasa

Grasshoppers in the poker chips

Oh man. I am freakin tired. I am putting off my homework (I know, what's new) and looking at these goofy ass pictures from Friday night. Unfortunately I don't have any from Saturday because we didn't have a camera with us. But it was an equally fun night, if not more....

Today we went to Denver, and it was fine. My brother was like "welp, looks like I'm seeing you almost every weekend, so see ya next weekend." And I said, "Yeah, probably". But I was lying. I don't think I'm going to be coming home next weekend. It's labor day though, but I think we might go camping one night. That would be fun. And I might go to the CU CSU game, if I can get away with Elise's ID. That would be tiggity tight. Don't make fun of my cool pharases.

The weekend went way too fast. I am sick of school already and it's been a freaking week. I have some bad news I would like to make public:

1. Lifting this year is at SIX in the morning on Tues and Thurs. That means I will be waking up at 5:20 so I can walk/ride my ass over there. I am going to be grump master grump.
2. School.
3. Swim practice
4. Household chores
5. My foot really hurts
6. Lack of money

That is all I would like to say about that. It is saddening. Now for some good news:

1. The weekends
2. My roommates
3. My friends who aren't my roommates... which leaves like three other people. That should be in the list above. So sad.
4. MH '05 is going pretty good.
5. Clyde

All I can say is school is a pain in my ass. I might go to a movie tonight, but at the rate I'm moving at, nothing is going to happen. I'm kinda hungry now that I think of it. Maybe I will stall my hw even more and go eat and shower. Yeah, that sounds good. Mmmm brownies...

What the hell.  Posted by Picasa

This is my ad. It would probably scare people away... Posted by Picasa

This is titled, "Bad News Bears". How do you spell that anyway? Posted by Picasa

Celebration of Friday night, o man it always makes me laugh Posted by Picasa

Dance party! Nice pose Katie! Posted by Picasa

Our fifth roommate! Clydehopper the chunky ball of love! Posted by Picasa

The girls and I at the neighbors once again! Posted by Picasa

And good ol' paint splatter Jen! Ha, just kidding, I got nothing Posted by Picasa

The primo shot of money bags! Posted by Picasa

And another wonderful roommate, Poopy Scoopy. Posted by Picasa

Haha, you gotta love it. Good old genius macgee Posted by Picasa