Monday, September 15, 2008

Living Color

I have found balance between peaceful thought and exhilarating activity. Although this does not come as a shock to me, somewhere along the way I have forgotten what I can achieve through piece of mind. I often forget the power we hold with our thoughts and the strength of our bodies when those thoughts are put to action. This is just the beginning of what I have come to find as a cluster of confusing abstracts that fail to come to a sound conclusion. I guess I will rest assured knowing that there will always be more to know and more to question. Only by knowing this can we begin to push ourselves to the meaning of what we can stand for. If we want. If we don't want then we can live quietly in the bliss of not knowing. Or is it not caring? Whatever it is, content is something that does not necessairly snuggle next to the inconsistancies of violent conscience thought. Maybe after time when dull monotony takes over, but then it is too late to find what you were never looking for anyway.

And then there is something about writing confusion all over the canvas of whatever space it may inhabit and then confusing yourself all over again when you see it in living color.

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