Well it has been a while, but that doesn't mean I don't still think about you, old blog. I have been seeing a newer blog, and even though I don't write, I still like you better than the new blog. It is just surface level, we never discuss my feelings. I can do that with you. Please forgive me! I promise I will come back to you and only you in short time!
Ok, yes, it has been a while. But I have been doing a lot around these parts of the world like saving babies and giving money to the poor. That's just during the day. At night I am drinking, smoking and popping pills. No one will ever know my duel identities! Muahaha.
Although that is obviously not true, the truth doesn't fall far from the exaggeration. I teach kids English at day and at night I reek havoc through the city with my friends. Which may or may not include crawling around train stations and taking naps in public places. Don't worry, my new year's resolutions should clear up any issues I may or may not have and I should be on the road to recovery in no time!
Looking back on this year has made me somewhat reflective, although mostly in awe. In awe of the power of time is mostly what it is. I have done a lot of reflecting these past few months, more than I ever have and I have failed to come to any sound conclusions about the awesome confusion life brings to us. It's been quite a ride 2008 and I shall never forget you. I did have a list of things I have done in this grand year including graduating college and moving to Japan...but snore! Boring! So I thought that writing and answering a little questionnaire for myself would provide for more insight and excitement into the my wild and crazy thoughts (remember the show, "Wild and Crazy Kids?" What a classic).
So here goes:
1. What was the most exciting thing you did this year?
Overall moving to Japan and immersing myself in a new and foreign culture. In particular I would say it hasn't happened yet. But next stop: Thailand. ONE DAY. So I think that will be pretty damn exciting.
2. Look back exactly one year ago. What were you doing this week 2007?
Humm, good question! I was probably recovering from getting dropped on my face. I was nursing that black eye and puffy lip.
3. What are 3 important realizations you have come to in the last year?
1. We won't be young forever, so live it up while you can
2. No matter where your friends are and whether they come visit you or not or whether they write to you once a week or once a month does not matter. Your friends are your friends. Period.
3. It's a big world out there and I have not seen any of it. Time to explore.
4. What are some small accomplishments you have experienced this year?
Small? Probably getting used to sleeping on a futon on the ground and doing laundry with no dryer. Maybe doing the dishes with no washer. Relying on my bike, public transport and my friends to get everywhere. Dealing with the weather and all of the lovely things that come with it like BUGS, mold, mildew smelling clothes.
5. What has been something that you have struggled with this year?
The dreaded question of what will I do with my life? As well as the struggles of teaching, coaching, post college depression, culture shock and growing up. Mostly the "next stage" of life issues.
6. What are 3 things you regret from 2008?
1. Being lazy
2. Losing touch with people
3. Not saying thank you enough to the people who truly deserve it
7. What are 3 things you are proud of from 2008?
1. Well the obvious of graduating and moving to a different country
2. Living by myself
3. Dealing with the "little things" that are always a constant battle here. In a nutshell, flexibility.
8. What is one major resolution for next year?
BE MORE DO MORE. I need to explore this country more, I need to explore myself more, I need to push myself farther than I feel comfortable doing. I need to really just go and not look back!
Ok, that was better than whatever else I was going to do. I'm sure I could go on for a while, but those are the main questions that have been circling around my head just waiting to be written down. So goodbye 2008, you were a great year! Hello 2009, I hope you prove to be just as good if not better. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to look forward to, and I am very fortunate to live the life that I do.
I will be welcoming the new year having freshly returned to Japan from Thailand and I am excited to welcome it in a different country. Yet another story for the grand kids.
Wishing all out there a happy holiday season and a great new year! Saynora 2008, Konnchiwa 2009!
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