Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Question: Why did the dinosaurs get so big?

Answer: It all boils down to their diet, the temperature of the air versus their bodies and most importantly, the fact that they had millions of years to evolve. And nothing in this present day and age has had that time. In a nutshell.

More important question: Why am I reasearching dinosaurs?

Answer: I can only have so much self motivation to study. Then I need to do some sort of brain activity to keep it from slowly rotting away.

Truth: I am not going to learn Japanese. I will keep trying to think I want to...But let's face it, it's been 7 months and I have yet to do much of anything.

"It's all HAPPENING!" (A quote stolen from a great movie. If you don't know then you don't deserve to know)

What might be the happenings one might ask? Well I will name them.

Feburary is almost over marking the end of a few things:
1. The "coldest month in Japan" (I argue that)
2. Sobriety for yours truly
3. Lack of classes
4. Lack of motivation
5. Chocolate addiction

And March begins! Which marks the beginning of these things:
1. Eating well and working out
2. South Korea!!
3. Nice weather
4. Cherry blossoms everywhere!
5. Concern for my future

Mostly good things happening. And more brain activity seems to be going on lately which is very exciting news. I can't say if this will spark some sort of interesting writing, but I think it's coming. I can feel it.

I would just like to say I just put my i-tunes on shuffle and there has been nothing but good songs. Which should be the case usually, but I had some sneaky family members (ahem Hillary) put some terrible music (ahem Hannah Montana) on there and I become enraged everytime it comes on.

Besides the listed happenings, there is a lot of thought going on for the rest of this year in terms of friends, work, working out and traveling. I am battling with a lot of conflicting feelings about leaving in 5 months which I'm sure will be more intense come time to actually go. I have also been doing a lot of thinking about what I am going to do when I get back...Which will also become more instense when it is closer too. Jobs are looking slim. Which isn't a surprise, but it might be when I find myself living with my parents and working at the local Hobby Lobby. Ok will not work there no matter what. Not even if I was dirt poor and living in a box by the river. WITH my parents. That's how much I would NOT work there. Gah that place. Horrific yet necessary establishment.

So there are the happenings! I will be back with a writing piece in the next few days.


It's Almost Famous by the way. I really hope you knew that. And if you haven't seen it I don't wanna hear it.

P.S. Best blog ever---->

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are so funny. i think you should work at hobby lobby. this is your calling. i can teach you too make curtains. you can make friends with all the cute old ladies! :)