Friday, October 08, 2010

"There are endless possibilities to the human spirit"

As the last song on my i-pod ended I heard the rhythmic beating of my heart pulsing against my ear buds. I felt the air whooshing into the bottom of my lungs, listened to the pound, pound, pound of my heavy feet on the damp gravel. The sun peaked through the multicolored tree in front of me creating shadows that danced around my feet. I heard a dog bark in the distance and ran past a couple laughing and holding hands. I smiled at my friend next to me. "Life," I thought "is simply this. Is about the love for something real, the beauties of nature, the complexity of our own existence, the compassion and love of the relationships you have." In that moment I was truly amazed. I was in awe of my own simple existence. I was inspired by the true beauty of it all. One of my favorite quotes filtered into my at that moment "If we have never been amazed by the very fact that we exist, we are squandering the greatest fact of all" --Will Durant. I full-heartily believe in that. Without realizing the compactly of our own greatness, our own abilities, our own utter existence then this is the life is not the potential is can be. You may say I've got the dreamers disease, I believe I do most of the time too--but because of that I take in the amazement's of life frequently so I do not forget the awesomeness that lies within this world, that lies within each of us. It is easy to get tripped up in the mundane everyday or get frustrated with just life, but these are the little things that can only equip us for the big things. If there is no frustration then what can you compare relaxation or happiness to? How can you compare if you cannot contrast?

Running around the park I cannot help but be humbled by the sheer beauty of nature. The next day I once again felt that way as I was swimming. The cool water rushed past me as I quickly moved my arms behind me. Since I was swimming backstroke I had a clear view of the fast-moving clouds with the sun peaking through. Suddenly a large flock of black birds scattered across the sky, looking like tiny chocolate chips spilling out of the bag. I am always thankful for outdoor swimming :)

I often wonder what life would be like if I were born somewhere else or someone else. Although impossible, that thought almost always floors me every time. I try to imagine living in a state or country I visit or see on TV. I even think about what it would be like to be a certain person--someone I see driving, I think "where are they going? What are they thinking right now?". Whether it be just my friend down the street, a teacher in Japan, a doctor in India or even the President I wonder what a day in their shoes is like. I think the reason I am so baffled by it all is because it is virtually impossible to truly feel a life that is not yours. You can even be with someone in their every walk of life--spend all day with them and still not even come close to how they perceive and experience the same things you are. Naively or maybe more so, ignorantly, I often wish I could live multiple lives so I could compare, just so I could understand. I honestly think understanding another person is the only way we can truly begin to create a wold of tolerance, acceptance and peace.

I sound like a big time hippy right now, but there are just a lot of jerks out there who can only wrap their head around themselves and what they want. Most likely not even that. It becomes nothing but temporary satisfaction and then it is not hard to get lost within the confusion of all of THIS. Just like this post is beginning to do.

All I'm trying to say here is hug a tree, read a book, ride your bike without your hands, sweat like you mean it, dance until you're breathless, indulge in something refreshing, learn the world and then teach the world, and of course eat lots of delicious cheeses.

That's all I'm trying to say, really. With that, go fourth and do good.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love the first paragraph!