Monday, April 02, 2012

Rules To Live By

So I have been deciding I want to make some rules that I live by and some that I would ideally like to live by someday. So here it is--not all of them have been perfected but I sure am going to try :)

Jessica’s 100 Rules to Live by:

1. Sleep in whenever you can

2. Dance even when you are alone

3. Video journal

4. Real journal

5. Kiss. A lot

6. Hug more than you think is necessary

7. Read all sorts of genres

8. Laugh at stupid jokes. Especially if they are yours

9. Be respectful of everyone

10. Ride your bike on nice days

11. Travel as much as possible

12. View everyday as an opportunity to do something exciting

13. Treat your body well

14. Indulge yourself every once in a while

15. Have lots of sex with the person you love

16. Be grateful

17. Keep in touch with friends

18. Tell your family you love them

19. Tell your friends you love them

20. Surround yourself with brightness

21. Stop to smell the flowers

22. Drink hot chocolate when it’s cold and lemonade when it’s hot. Or vise versa, they’re both good.

23. Take in the beauty of nature

24. Enjoy your thinking time in the shower.

25. On days where you are feeling icky, get a little something to make you feel good (but not guilty later J).

26. Cuddle

27. Support your loved ones

28. Look at the good in someone until they prove you wrong. Then look past it and find the good again.

29. Collect souvies from places you’ve been

30. Go lots of places

31. Take walks without music

32. Go on runs with music

33. When the weather gets nice don’t wear shoes unless you are going on a long run. But if it’s too hot just don’t go on a long run. Lay out and drink lemonade instead.

34. Live alone at one point in life

35. Fix the negative instead of complaining about it

36. Get a dog, they will love you no matter what

37. Paint your nails bright colors

38. Light up your house with fun candles

39. Surprise people

40. Stretch

41. Swim

42. Take in the beauty of sunsets and sunrises

43.Talk to your grandparents

44. Send snail mail

45. Scuba dive every chance you get

46. Soak up the sun (but put on a little sunscreen first)

47. Try new adventures

48. Laugh, smile, tell jokes. It’s when you look the best anyway.

49. Do what you are best at and what you love often. It’s what fills your soul.

50. Live in another country for at least a year

51. Recycle even if you don’t have a bin. Most likely your neighbors will and who will yell at you for recycling?

52. Don’t dye your hair too much. Or waste too much time putting on make-up or doing your hair. Maybe just for special occasions.

53.If you don’t feel good, sulk for a few minutes and then get over it. No one likes an Eore.

54. Make opportunities for yourself

55.Experience other cultures and don’t forget them once you leave

56. Remind yourself where you have been

57. Take lots of pictures. You will never be as young as you were in that picture.

58. Ride horses, swim with dolphins, pet tigers, ride elephants, go to the aquarium and the zoo, feed the ducks, get a fish and some flowers. Be in tune with the other creatures that live on this earth.

59. Skydive, bungee jump, para sail, cliff jump, white water raft, ski, go off the high dive, go on a hot air balloon

60. Feel good after you have helped someone. Not for you, but for them

61. Don’t let money run your life

62. Go to concerts

63. Take relaxing moments

64. Cook and bake. It’s fun and you will be liked even more if you are good at it

65. Share your life with others

66. Entertain--have people over and play fun games

67. Surround yourself with others, but give yourself YOU time

68. Floss everyday

69. Don’t wash your hair everyday

70. Paint

71. Look forward to a family but love the moment when you only have to worry about you

72. Go on spontaneous little trips

73. Clean your space of living. Then take a deep breath and clear your mind

74. Don’t start something if you can’t finish it

75. Road trip

76. Go hiking

77. Wash your sheets and smell them when you cuddle into bed

78. Listen to the sound of water

79. Talk to your siblings

80. Listen to your siblings

81. Take pride in you

82. Eat lots of fruit and veggies and meat

83. Compliment others

84. Take time to reflect

85. Own at least four pair of sunglasses

86. Follow directions

87. Take care of your car

88. Be minimalistic and if you buy something, use it

89. People watch

90. Think about the vastness of space, realize we might not be alone

91. Cry when you are sad, but only for a little while

92. Wear your retainers if you have them

93. Tell others about your dreams

94. Be ok with wasted time

95. Don’t sell yourself short of your potential

96. Utilize your storage space

97. Utilize Skype

98. Make mix CDs or playlists and share them

99. Don’t be afraid to say how you feel

100. Find inner peace

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