Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Goodbye 2005

Seasons greetings! I just felt like saying that even though the seasons are almost over. Whatever the hell they are. Anyway, I got a small complaint about the speedo man and the lady/bellybutton pictures, so now I actually have to write something. If this writing comes out looking chunky bold I will be extremely angry.

Well Christmas was grand, I got everything I asked for, including a 30 GB I-POD. It's a nice one. Besides all the gifts I had a good day just hanging out with the family. My grandparents came over early and left after we opened some presents and the rest of the day we just hung out and acted like the crazy family that we are. Well since the year is coming to a close, I think I will recap on some of the things that have happened in this past year.

-I turned another year older and wiser
-I learned that not all good things last forever
-I finished up school and moved out of the dorms
-I figured out a way to get paid more, yet not acutally do more
-I learned more about people, and how even though they think they have everything figured out, they might have nothing figured out
-I opened my heart to the youngins at the pool, and grew to love them
-I became a big girl and moved into our own house!
-I became confused on my priorties, and got school mixed up with social life
-I pet a lizard in a tank that said "Do not touch, I bite"
-We had our first party
-I became more responsible (Ironic that this one is under the last one)
-I learned not to eat cheese that is called "cave aged"
-I retired from the sport of swimming
-I realized that the buns of steel video burns pretty bad
-Sleeping in until 12 everyday over break doesn't really do much good

Well a lot more happened in the glorious year of 2005, yet it probably wasn't all that exciting. MH '05 was a complete dud, and now has to be carried into 2006, which I must say I am NOT happy about. Not at all.

Now for the rest of the year I intend to go up to FoCo, and sit around here. And next year there will be other grand things. I would do my New Year's resolutions, yet they would be the same as everyone else: Lose weight and get good grades, tehe (read in very girly voice)

So that's the scoope (sp?) on my grand life. Things are pretty good around here, it's been really nice to see people and just hang out with my buds, and my family. Tonight should be a night of mystery and intrigue. If I could spell. Until then laundry, lunch, bike!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2005


Take the quiz:
What Kinda Kiss R U?

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest

I should have known

Take the quiz:
What type of swimmer are you?

You are a SPRINTER. You love smoking the competition, because you know you can do it every time. You're loud, energetic, and love attention. Your stroke might not be the prettiest thing to watch, but you can move in the water like a shark. You are intimidating to other swimmers, and you celebrate even if you shave off a hundreth of a second. You're either bald, or wear a cap, and shaving is a daily event. Your flip turn either makes or breaks your time, and you concentrate hard on power and length of your arms. You're the person that everybody whispers about to a friend and says that's the one. If you got a lane, you got a chance.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

If we were to have a Christmas card, this would be the winner Posted by Picasa

A whole lotta nothing, yet a big mess of something

I decided it was time that I say a thing or two about my life. Not too much is going on so far I've just been hanging out with friends and family as well as shopping. Surprisingly, it's been much more busy than I anticipated which is good in some ways, yet bad in others.
And of course break is flying by. And I haven't showered in way too long. But that's neither here nor there. It's been really good to see everyone, yet at the same time I miss my Fort Collins buds. Especially my non-Coloradoian roomies.

Well tonight I decided to get off my lazy butt and do something with myself, so I went to Ashley's and we had ourselves a nice little work out. It was pretty good, until I ate a bunch of chocolate afterwards. Doh.

The other night a few of us went bowling, the night before that I relaxed in Jenn's hot tub, I've been hanging with my cousins and brothers quite a bit, which is always good. I miss them a lot.

Humm, what else have I done... I've had coffee with Todd and cheesecake with Chris, Panera with Ryan...a lot of eating basically. The other night I hung out with my brothers and Alex, and then he tried to steal my $100 bill. But I wasn't letting him have it. So yeah, not too much going on here. Andy and his friends RJ and Lynn came over last night to show me a video they made dancing on the ice. My brother drove by them and thought they were drunk kids kicking something. Funny how people percive things when they don't know what's going on.

So that's about it. A whole lotta nothing, yet a big mess of something. I wanted to talk about some stuff, but I'm tired and I need to get up tomorrow and go on the bike before I do anything else. So I should get some sleep. I posted some pictures from my last meet and the other night when my family came over. So enjoy. Next time I will have something more meaningful to say...hopefully.


The fam Posted by Picasa

Lauren, Molly and I Posted by Picasa

Roofie! Posted by Picasa

CSU! Posted by Picasa

Yeah I can't believe I fit into a 27 fast skin Posted by Picasa

I thought this one was funny Posted by Picasa

The walk-ons! Posted by Picasa

Lauren and I standing nervously Posted by Picasa

My last dive Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 19, 2005

Two silly friends on a couch Posted by Picasa

Two drunk friends by a door Posted by Picasa

My buds chillin Posted by Picasa

My beautiful Boulder friend! Posted by Picasa

Thinking about doing the dishes. It requires deep thought....obviously Posted by Picasa

Jen and I Posted by Picasa

Aww isn't that sweet? Posted by Picasa

Jess: "I hope I am pushing the right button" Lauren: "Duhhh....?" Posted by Picasa

My white trash roomie. Posted by Picasa

Lauren and I with our fast skins! Posted by Picasa

Me with my new haircut! Yay! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Celebration Time Bitches!

I would like to proudly announce that I AM DONE WITH FINALS!
I don't think I've ever studied so much in all my life. Probably all the hours added up in all my life add up to the same amount I studied this week. Who knows how I did, I feel ok about them. They were all pretty hard. They challenged me to my last nerve! Just kidding. But my brain is fried. As well as fired. I shall hire a new one new semester. NOW HIRING ONE AND ALL! Smart brains wanted!

Now I get time to relax and hang out until my grand buddy Ashley arrives from the terrible town of Boulder and then it's time to celebrate. And show Ash what a real good time is all about, since those Boulder folk really don't know...even though they think they do.

I don't really have any enlightening news to say but I do have a few everyday life tips:

1. Don't head bang to angry music the day before you are about to take an essay test, it proves to be quite painful.

2. Studying in the library can be very productive as well as a grand old time. I think I have had some good memories at that place and they don't have anything to do with school.

3. Singing songs from old Nick shows with your roommates in the student center clears everyone around you away fast. It's a surefire way to create some extra space.

4. Spending $500 on books and getting back $150 is pretty depressing. Especially when they don't even give you money for some of them.

5. Hukah bars are relaxing and comfortable, especially when your roommate works there and can get you a discount!

6. Believe it or not, some people have never read a book outside of school in their probably coorilates with the fact that they don't know what CO2 and O2 stand for.

7. Some people crave salad when they are drunk. Go figure.

8. Walking home from class provides for a very envigorating experince and provokes other feelings such as running to your friend's house in the middle of December.

9. When a certain individual is always annoyingly in your dreams, it might be a sign you need to kill them in real life.

10. There are some new pharases that I have learned/made up this week: Do the Caleb! And there's craaaazy eye Preston. I have also become scared of Gartrel and all his shitlock glory.

11. I forgot how much I love Savage Garden. But nothing will beat Coldplay. And since that's not really an everyday life tip, I have one more....


And this begins CHRISTMAS BREAK '05. Let's make it a good one. Here are some things I would like to do this break.

-Go skiing
-Go to Vail and visit my coach
-Go to Boulder
-Have people come to my house in FoCo
-Read at least 3 books
-Write a little
-See my friends!
-Go shopping for Christmas presents
-Start running


That's all for now. I will probably be bored out of my mind when I get back to Denver and I have no transportation in spite of all the things I want to do. So I will be writing in here soon enough.

I'm out for now...time for the festivities!


Days until I go home: 1
Days until I get to stay with my favorite cousin: 2
Days until CHRISTMAS: 10


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Uh o

I take it back, my procrastination is to that level. I did almost everything that I wrote on that list. Even I didn't think I would do that.

Just thought I would make a quick update and remind everyone that I am still not studying. And I have four more days and then break!

Ok study time. Even though I will be dreaming of decorating cookies with some holiday cheer and making gingerbread houses while listening to Christmas music. And all the while I would be wearing a santa hat in festive colors as I sing along in a big decorated house.
Uhh. At least I can dream.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Some relaxation tips

It's what we've all been dreading, FINALS. That one word that makes me want to stick my head in the ground and take it out once it's all over. Definately the nightmare that is reality.
Well today I was reading the school newspaper and there was a little section about what to do to relieve stress during finals week. Let me say, it gave me quite the chuckle. It was basically saying "During finals do everything you possibly can instead of study" What a lame newspaper article. Nonetheless it sparked this entry today and I decided to give it a whirl at this "relieving stress" list of activities and make my own. So here it goes.

What to do to relieve stress during finals week:

-Take a walk with your pet, clear your head. Just keep walking until your head is cleared, even if it takes hours, it will make you feel better. And if you find yourself walking until the sun sets go to your friend's house nearest to where you are.

-That brings me to my next point. Go to your friend's house and ask them to stay! Oh what fun, you can make cookies, stay up all night talking, listen to music and just relax with that friend. Maybe a few margarittas and cocktails will help you relax.

-In fact why not have a few shots to ease the tension and a few beers. And while you're at it smoke a little for the true relaxation effect. It definately will get your mind off those finals. Don't stay up too late since you need to study tomorrow. If you take my advice to heart, you'll pass out by midnight anyway.

-The next day wake up and walk your pet home. You need to relax a little more after your big night, and to get your mind off that awful headache you have, go to lunch with a friend, after all you do need brain food.

-When you get home you need to rest up a little before you begin to study. So take a little nap to relax so you can be fresh for finals studying.

-When you get up you will probably smell from all those walks you took yesterday and today so you should hop in the shower. It will rinse away that bad oder and get you fresh and ready for the official studying.

-Take out your notes, and begin to look over them. Don't get too flustered, if you are feeling overwhelmed go talk to your roommates, they might help you relax.

-But oh no! You might be getting hungry again. So have a little snack. And you haven't talked to most of your friends, so sign online, call some of them, and don't forget to call your family to tell them the studying is going well.

-Before you being the process of studying again, you might want to write to get your mind off of everything. Write in your journal, and your blog and check other blogs.

-You should be feeling good to study now, but it's no good to study in a messy room, is creates distraction. So clean your room and while you're at it, you should do some laundry because you don't want to have dirty clothes stinking up your closet.

-Look over some notes again. But don't hurt yourself. If you want watch a movie, that should clear your head. Take some time to think about other things besides school, stress is not good if you want to live a long and healthy life.

-It should be dark out by now and you are probably be getting tried again. It's completely useless to study if you are tired and not retaining any information. It would be a lost cause. So eat some dinner and go to bed, studying can wait for tomorrow, you need your rest.

And that's what it was like. Dumb newspaper. It wasn't that extreme, but you see my point. It sounds like something I would do. Except walking my pet to a friend's house and smoking and drinking and whatnot, even for me that type of procrastination is the worst kind and I haven't gotten that bad. Thank the Lord for that. Especially walking my pet, ha! Walking ha! Exercise ha! Just joshing your taters. When finals are over I plan to be a machine.

Well that is all I really had to say. Just make fun of the newspaper was the only thing on my agenda. I am going to go read and look over notes like a good student who can handle the work load. Damn straight.

Ok maybe I have trouble handling the work load but at least I am making an effot. I am trying here people!

Well I might be back before hell week, for some more tips about other things of importance. Until then I'm putting it into studylikeIdon'treallyknowhowbutIamgoingtotrymybestanyway mode.

Bombs away...

Oh, I almost forgot, countdown:

Days until the weekend: 3
Days until finals are over: 8
Days until it's time to celebrate: 8
Days until I get to head home: 9
Days until winter solstice: 14!!! (Ok I'm not really excited, I am already sick of the snow)
Days until CHRISTMAS!: 18

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My roommates and our dear friend Ashley Posted by Picasa

Strike a pose! Posted by Picasa

Westward hoes! And my shirt is see-through, oops. Posted by Picasa