Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year's FUN!

Hello friends out there in the cyber world. Or maybe I should friend. I decided on a day at the computer that I would write a small survey and send it to myself and my friends. So far I've heard back from two friends. Such dedicated souls. Here are my answers discussing years past and years to com!

1. What is one thing you would work harder on this year that you did last year?

Just being more motivated in everything I do. I want to work hard at getting a job, apply to go back to school, get back into swimming with a team and train for at least one tri and maybe a running race or two. I would also like to be better about sending mail to people--especially thank you notes and birthday cards. I always send birthday cards when it's people's half birthday and they probably think I am so dumb.

2. What is one thing you are happy with that you would keep doing the

same from last year to this year?

Just enjoying the little things. Although not having a steady job is sometimes stressful (esp in the bank dept), I really enjoy the days I have off and I always feel like it's nice that I don't have to be at work five days a week 7-4...I also think I'm pretty happy with my friends in regards of how I keep in touch with them. I am happy with eating cheese as well. I think I will continue it into the new year even though I should probably stop eating it considering my pants are getting a bit tight...

3. If you had to choose one year to go back and re-live (without

changing anything) what would it be? Why?

Wow, great question. That's a hard one. I think I would either go back to my senior year of high school or the year I spent in Japan. I feel like I did a lot of growing and exploring who I am. I wrote every single day both of those years and it is really interesting to go back and see how even my writing changes as the year goes on. I feel like both of these years increased my confidence as a person and helped me grow into myself. The difference was that senior year I didn't really realize it until later where as in Japan I was growing and knowing. Haha. But yeah, I was knowing how this was helping me grow as the year went on and I did some of the best writing I've ever done because I was in such a sensitive spot. I also did some of the best beer drinking I've ever done. It really was quite impressive how much I drank.

4. Name three events in your life that forever changed you. Have any

of these been in the past year?

I can't pick just three. So how about six:
1. Japan
2. Crossfit
3. i have. i give. and Big Brothers Big Sisters
4. Falling in love
5. Swimming/Coaching
6. Subbing/Teaching

Well some these things have gone into this past year. But not all of them. Why didn't you ask how these events changed you? The person who wrote this needs to think about their questions a little better.

5. What age are you most looking forward to? Why?

As much as I don't want to rush the time by and as much as I love love love being 25, I am excited for 35. I hope to be married by then and having or thinking about having a baby. I think that is super exciting! I am also excited for when I am 90 because that will mean I am still alive. And that's pretty exciting after all that beer I drank in Japan.

6. Look back on 2002. Were the pivotal people in your life then still

the most important to you now? How many people since then have you met
that have influenced you in a way you will never forget?

Ah, ten years ago. 16 was a fun age. Well, I guess I was almost 16. At this time I was planning for my super sweet sixteen where I rented out a warehouse and threw a fit the whole night because the acrobats were late. Just kidding. I remember for my birthday we rented a limo that took us to The Melting Pot where we feasted and then we came back and I opened presents. I was a sophomore so I was swimming on varsity that year but I still wasn't super close with the girls I would get to know by the end of my high school swimming. My best friends at my party are people that I sometimes see on facebook except Ashley G, Kristin and obviously I am still very close with both of them!

Since then the people I have met who've influenced me is a great amount. I will not disclose names over this highly popular blog.

And obviously my family but I met them before I was 16 and probably a few others I am forgetting. That's a lot of people who have influenced me, and I'm sure many more are to come!

7. What was your favorite moment(s) from last year. So far this year

what have your favorite moments been?

Last year my favorite moments were going to St. Kitts and Belize (well technically that was the year before last), I always loved going skiing and staying up in the mtns with friends. Matt and Ashley's wedding was a great moment, going on walks around the park with Ashley, having long chats with Ang, Lauren, Ash and Kristin, Rockies games, Broncos games and even Nuggets games, lots of good moments with Caleb, concerts--John Butler Trio, Skylab, Decadence, Savoy, holidays of course, reading the night before Christmas with my mom and my aunts on Christmas eve, watching football with my dad, talking with my cousins in our bunk room before we go to bed, skyping with Japan friends and my bro, dancing with friends and alone :), late nights ordering DP dough or out at the bar, coaching, writing and I always love reading a good book in the hot sun (usually while I get paid!) and every time I ate cheese. So far this year my favorite moments have been the Broncos game I went to, relaxing on the weekends, Decadence and the dance party after that, last Friday night where I went skinny dipping on the lawn, had a threesome (in French), I think I broke the law but I'd do it all again. Probably next Friday night. Just kidding that is stolen from a terrible artist with a terrible song. Last Friday night was fun because I went to dinner with a really cute guy who I have a big crush on and then I was able to sing during karaoke and then dance the night away. I did regret it the next day but it was still a great memory. That's about all for now. I think more memories are to come. I think. But I could be wrong.

8. Look forward to 2022. What would you like your life to look like?

Where are you living? Whom with? What kind of job do you have? Kids?
Pets? Are you still doing anything the same that you are doing now?
What do you do for fun? Are you truly happy?

This question is a little scary to me because I am not really sure where I will be. Ideally I would love to have a kid or two and be married to the love of my life and live somewhere that is refreshing and invigorating. Either in Colorado or by the beach. I would like to still be friends with all my friends now and have a few more. I would like to be teaching, coaching and in the summer relaxing with my kids. By this time I hope to have had lots of summers to work and then go do some volunteer work around the world with my husband (maybe when the kids are older during the summer and they could be at camp for a few weeks). I would like to have two dogs and be happy and healthy. I would like to keep swimming in the mornings and the other days when I can riding my bike and running, maybe sticking to my one or two triathlon goal per year. I would like to be doing charity work when I can and being a good mother and example for my kids as well as a good wife. I want to never grow old and boring and I always want to be trying something new and exciting. I will be firm but loving with my kids and if they are good I will take them on spontaneous day trips! I would like to still go out with my friends as much as I can and go hiking and it would be great if my "I Heat Tuna" book is in the works of being published. I would like to write for a health magazine or a swimming one. That would be cool. If all of this worked out I wouldn't have to teach probably but we'll see if I would still want to do it. I want to be the life of the party, the voice of reason and a good example for all of those around me!

9. List three New Year's Resolutions you have this year.

1. Get in shape before Ashley's wedding
2. Apply to grad school
3. Be completely present everywhere I am

10. Name one thing that you think would be out of your comfort zone

but you would be willing to try in the next year.

Bungee jumping or shark diving. Or just getting a normal job.

11. Name one thing you have always wanted to do but just haven't

gotten around to it yet that you would really like to do this year.

Get my ear pierced, get a tattoo, squat 215 lbs, go to Austin, black flip off the diving board, write in my blog three times a week, make a new friend or two, give up meat for a little bit (maybe a month), run a 8 min mile, swim a 56.0 100 Free. (I realize that is a lot more than one thing. I just couldn't narrow it down. Sorry! Geeze!)

12. Name a crazy, hilarious. scary, adventurous, nerve racking or just

ridiculous thing that you would probably never do but if you were to
lose your mind this might be the year to do it in.

Give up cheese! No, I couldn't do it. How about apply for the JET programme again! Ah! Crazy! Hilarious! Scary! Adventurous! Nerve racking! Ridiculous! I would never do it! But if I were this would be the year to do it in if I decided to!

Happy New Year!