11 pm coffee break
1:30 am and I am in insomina mode.
And the question is
Why didn't I just say decaf?
Today was a day that I will describe as a loafing day. My coach Bill used to yell "Jessica! Stop loafing!" I never did. I think I am still loafing to this day.
But today was also a good day for a trip down memory lane. I got out my old video tape a few days ago and I have been watching videos of me and my family from years ago.
Times were so much simpler then. We were all so innocent and had so much ahead of us. Sometimes it makes me shutter to think about all that I had in front of me; my awkard stage, weird things with friends, sad days, hard tests, studying... And I think I wouldn't ever go back.
But then there are times when I can't beleive how fast my life is flying by, and how I would give anything to be 5 again. Just for a little bit.
In other news, I spend some mulah at Target today, which was exciting since I got some stuff for the new place.
It's cute and comfortable. Yet very hot.
I like it nontheless.
I'm ready for school to start. But whenever I say that I think of my mom. I'm not sure why, but she just comes in my head and I start to miss her already. She means everything to me, and even though I have been living away from her for two years, I feel that I only get closer with her.
My week has been kinda weird. Just sorta slow to start off with, and somewhat hazy. My mind is in a little bit of a fog, I don't really know how I feel about that. Sometimes I feel like everyone is against me, and I'm just here fending for myself. I guess that's how we all are, but I like to feel like there is always someone with me. I don't like the feeling of being alone for too long, it becomes a little unsettling. Well, under certian circumstances it does. I like to be alone to read and write, that's usually the only times I demand alone time. Well, the shower. Unless someone wants to join me...Just kidding. I am being a creep-a-leep.
My head is itchy. I need to shower, speaking of.
Like I said, I'm all moved into my place. Well I didn't really say that, but I inferred it. It was a long process but I'm glad we did it. Well, we had to, but it's a change of pace. I think that's what college is about, changing it up every once and a while, not making things so permanent.
As usual I wanted to write about other things, but my writers block got the best of me. Or maybe it's writer's overload. Writer's flood if you will. I have so many things going on in my head, it's almost impossible to get them down into a conscious thought, let alone writing.
My plan for the week is:
Wed: Lessons, work, workout, shopping with mom, coffee and movie with Noel
Thurs: Lessons, workout, work, hang out with Andy? Or maybe concert with Lauren?
Friday: Work, visit Molly?, who knows.
And then I work all weekend. When all I want to do is get away and go hiking. Ideally I would like to go hiking in Vail with Jim. That would be nice. I need to ask people to work for me and just do it. We'll see what I can do.
In the mean time I am working on my summer goals. There were a lot of pretty crazy ones that I haven't gotten around to, but some have indeed been accomplished. Good, great, grand I say.
Ok I'm rambling. Time for bed. If I can sleep.
Nighty night.