Friday, March 03, 2006

"Get lost and then get found, or get swallowed in the sea"

THE WEEKEND IS SO CLOSE! And I cannot wait. I think I've been waiting since last Sunday. I even bought some special mix so I could kick it with a few margs tonight. We'll see what happens. Two more classes, lifting and then FREEDOM! For some reason I am way too excited, but sometimes you gotta get pumped even when you have no idea what you are getting pumped for.

Anyway, I figured it's time for an about me section, I just found these laying around and I figured I would continue with it since it's been a few weeks. So here goes.


"I wear my retainers to bed everynight in hopes that my teeth will never go crocked. I am freakishly anal about my teeth and I try to be about my face, but it never stops breaking out. I have an ugly writers bump on my middle finger but I like it, just as I have huge legs, but I like them. At least once a week someone tells me muscle weighs more than fat and at least once we wekk I disreguard them, even though I know it's true. I love gum and I have a fear of bad breath do I try not to get too close to anyone if I don't have a piece in . For some reason all my pants are ripped at the bottom, but I can't bring myself to cut them. I am outgoing around my friends, but pretty shy and sometimes awkard around strangers--but drinking games always change that. I always wear my watch, but rarely anything else on my hans. I think they are too wrinkley and I don't want to draw attention. I love notes and text messages but I hate checking ramweb. I would much rather do chores than homework, but I really should do more homework.

I am easy going for the most part and I love when people test my intellectual ability. I get frusterated when I lost things and annoyed when people constantly whine. I am confused when people try things over again, even though it didn't work the first time. I am jealous of people with cool eyes, but I usually don't complain about mine. I need to sleep more, but I feel like there's always something better to be doing. Tigers are my favorite animal--they will always amaze me. But penguins extremely fascinate me. I am weary of my microsuede comforter, I like to take good care of it and I am weird about sheets--I love them being soft. I have to sleep with my yellow blanket and usually no socks, although that has started to change since I got my big bed. Teaching is one of the only jobs I think I would like, but I'm sure there will be times I will hate it more than I like it. I try to learn from my mistakes, but somehow I rarely do.

I don't wear hats that often, but I think I could be a hat person. I shower every other day, but I have been known to skip a few and let my hair get extremely greasy. I like college students and I think old people are so cute. I believe they have a lot to say and I try my best to soak in their wisdom. Old fashioned things amaze me, I can't get enough of the smell. The universe interests me, but I will always be perplexed by it. I like tart things, and I'm beginning to back away from spicy foods. I've always wanted to go on a road trip and I can never pass a vase of flowers without smelling them. I rarely paint my finernails, but my toenails are always painted. Driving fast is invigorating and walking slow is peaceful. I like being around water, I think it comforts me. Sometimes I act too much like my dad and think too much like my mom and my brothers and I feed off each other for laughter and courage. Advice is helpful in small amounts because I can't listen to it in large quantities. I think I can fool anyone if I act confident just as well as they could fool me."

Ok that's all for today. I can't wait till class is over! I'm sure there will be picts in the near future, and maybe later this weekend I will do more of the about me stuff again... I don't even know if anyone reads it. Or reads this. Who knows.

TGIF! Hasta.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

That's shocking! (except mine looks like the girl scout honor sign and Lauren's looks painful...and why is Ash licking me?!) All of us at Kristin's 20th b-day! Posted by Picasa

Us and the birthday girl! Posted by Picasa

We love Lo Lo cakes! Posted by Picasa

Me and my cucumber slices agan. I love these girls. They should have told me not to sit like that though... Posted by Picasa

The classic pinkies up pose Posted by Picasa

"Do you guys know how to play this game?" That's a big no from Lauren Posted by Picasa

Our hot tinkerbell hats at the party...I was a little cramped, that's why I look the way I do. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"I never knew that everything was falling through"

It's a beautiful day and I have yet to even step outside. I can defend myself, I have a paper to write and I am procrastinating. Really badly.

For some reason I have a problem keeping track of my chapstick. I mean I buy some and the next day it's lost in the infinate abyss. There must be a place where all my little chapsticks go. Who knows.

Last week was a bit stressful, which will carry into this week and the rest of the year and then the rest of my life which will be cut short because of excessive amounts of stress. Actually I don't let myself stress out that much, that way I will live many good years. Probably longer than all my friends who do stress out and then I will wish I would have stressed a little more because everyone I knew is dead.

I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Just rambling in a drunken rage. Just joshing, that would be really questionable if I was drunk at 1:30 in the afternoon. As I sit here and write this by myself. My life is questionable anyway, I don't find many answers either.

OK SO! Here's the plethora of tickets I bought this week:

1 round trip ticket to Boston, MA
1 concert ticket to see Guster
1 concert ticket to see The Fray

Very good. I am excited.

Next order of business: THE WEEKEND!
It was a good one, we hung out and watched "Blow" on Friday night, it was good. Johnny Depp is a genius. Pure fucking genius.
Saturday I had a good chat with Elise, went to Chipolte and showed an old friend from the swim team around campus since she might go here next year and then we went to Kristin's birthday bash. It was a grand old time, but extremely crowded. We then took RamRide to Moises' house which was fine, I think I was on the phone too long. And then RamRide escorted us home and I fell into a deep slumber. Until I awoke this morning in a drunken rage. Just kidding, I don't know why I keep saying that.

SO I MADE SOME EGGS. Above should be pictures. And later I am going to put more of that about me stuff. Right now I am going to try to figure out this paper.