Monday, February 28, 2005

In over my head

Well I figured the last blog was enough to last another month, but I couldn't not write in it for another month. So here I am again...avoiding homework. As much as I love learning about lichens and cyanobacteria, I would much rather be doing pretty much anything else (except working at Hobby Lobby and any sort of math). But what I have realized lately is that I am just not that deep of a person. I mean I think I am easy to read and there isn't really that much to me which is probably nothing big. But I wish I would have realized that before I took the lovely class we like to call POETRY, aka I want to die class. I am in way over my head. And there is nothing I can do now but sit back and watch my grade dissapiate right in front of my very eyes. So mom and dad, don't be surprised when I move in with you next year and begin to work at Stein Mart (the horrific store next to Hobby Lobby) because all of the rest of my grades are soon to follow.
Aside from me failing out of school, this weekend was just what I needed. It was nice and relaxing and it was good to see the family again. I also got the added bonuses of hanging out with Lyle and Chris. Always good times. And not to mention the famous shopping with my BZ! I got some shoes and sandles...for the swimming I never do. I did go once last week though, that has to count for something. And I did try running, and all I can say is ouch. I don't know if I already talked about it or not, but yeah. So anyhoot, I got to hang out with my favorite brothers and my wonderful parents, and it was a grand old Dawkins family renunion (especially on the way back from dinner when Grant was in the back of the car moving back and fourth as to shake it while my dad was yelling at him to stop, with Scott humming loudly as he hiccuped and me yelling I had to pee really bad while my mom was trying to tell my dad to slow down--ahh just what I needed to remember where I came from).
K back to the bacteria, but I just wanted to come on and say those few things. And boy do I miss Starbucks...mmmm but I got enough of it this weekend, hopefully it can fuel me through the longest two weeks before spring break. ARUG. Ok bye.

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