Sunday, August 28, 2005

Grasshoppers in the poker chips

Oh man. I am freakin tired. I am putting off my homework (I know, what's new) and looking at these goofy ass pictures from Friday night. Unfortunately I don't have any from Saturday because we didn't have a camera with us. But it was an equally fun night, if not more....

Today we went to Denver, and it was fine. My brother was like "welp, looks like I'm seeing you almost every weekend, so see ya next weekend." And I said, "Yeah, probably". But I was lying. I don't think I'm going to be coming home next weekend. It's labor day though, but I think we might go camping one night. That would be fun. And I might go to the CU CSU game, if I can get away with Elise's ID. That would be tiggity tight. Don't make fun of my cool pharases.

The weekend went way too fast. I am sick of school already and it's been a freaking week. I have some bad news I would like to make public:

1. Lifting this year is at SIX in the morning on Tues and Thurs. That means I will be waking up at 5:20 so I can walk/ride my ass over there. I am going to be grump master grump.
2. School.
3. Swim practice
4. Household chores
5. My foot really hurts
6. Lack of money

That is all I would like to say about that. It is saddening. Now for some good news:

1. The weekends
2. My roommates
3. My friends who aren't my roommates... which leaves like three other people. That should be in the list above. So sad.
4. MH '05 is going pretty good.
5. Clyde

All I can say is school is a pain in my ass. I might go to a movie tonight, but at the rate I'm moving at, nothing is going to happen. I'm kinda hungry now that I think of it. Maybe I will stall my hw even more and go eat and shower. Yeah, that sounds good. Mmmm brownies...

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