Thursday, January 26, 2006

Starting from scratch

Yet another week has come and gone in our oh so meaningless existances...That sounds rather depressing. Which is ironic, because I feel the opposite of depressed, I feel happy, hopeful, and excited. Good emotions to be had I should say, especially when it's been a long week of classes.

But I decided there is not a class I don't like that I am taking right now. I mean sure, I don't like all the reading and what not, but I like what I am learning about. Which is good to say the least because it is what I am going to do with the rest of my life.
I will explain some of it. In my American Lit class we are learning about the first people to arrive in the Americas and the reactions and problems they had. That is interesting because it's how we all got to where we are today, in some sense.
In my Literary Theory class we are learning about, well the theory of literature and how most of our ways of thinking, writing and speaking came about. It's interesting to see how many people made such a huge impact on our society and the way we think of things as just themselves or parts of a whole. It's hard to describe, I should work on that before the quiz.
Then I have a computer class, which is just writing in education, basically and we are just learning how to write to different audiences, which can get boring but I am entertained by the teacher, so I guess it makes it easier to listen.
I am also taking another schooling course, which should be really good, especially since we have to do 30 hours of field work outside of the class, so I will be working with kids!
And my last class is Race and Literacy which is really interesting. Today we talked about race in our society, mainly in Colorado and more specifically Fort Collins. It's interesting to see why people came to CSU and how or if race was a factor in their decision. I have thought about it a little before, but it's amazing how white our community is, and how segrated it seems. I guess I thought I might get a little more diversity coming to a bigger school, but that's not really the case, it's mostly upper class white people.

Anyway, before I get too carried away with my classes I will bring my point full circle; hopefully school will be better and more interesting this semester. It is going to be a lot of work still, and there are times when I will still be a shit head, but hopefully I can get myself together and pull some good grades, and learn a little as well.

Tonight the agenda is to continue reading, and then the OC and then coffee with Jenn followed by a little more reading and a lot more sleep. I also have to find time to pack because we are for sure going to THE X-GAMES! I'm excited and although it's a 4-5 hour drive (maybe even longer depending on the weather and traffic), I think it will be a lot of fun. We're going with our friend Ben and Ashley, and we're staying in Glennwood Springs for Friday and Saturday night. I think there are 12 people in our group and hopefully we'll be able to meet up with some others.

So we'll see how that pans out. Besides that not too much else that I know of is going on. I think everyone wants to go to Boulder sometime soon, so I'm sure that's in the plans for the future.

Ok, well I am going to go read some more. Oh man I can't wait for bed. It's going to be nice.

Ok, I'm out.

1 comment:

Chris said...

the x-games...? wow... motorcycles jumping on snow huh, neat, yes, such a marvel of extreme athleticism...

"I'm talking about a place called Asssspen."
"I don't know Loyd, the french are assholes."