Saturday, February 19, 2005

Crystal wall

Hello. All I have to say is that I am really full and I should have worked out today. At least I did laundry. There is this really cool (well I think it's cool) website where the camera zooms in really far and you can see the smallest details. Jeff told me about it, it's Just thought that was interesting, and yes, I am easily amused, but I think it's pretty sweet.
Also I would just like to say that the coolest website ever is I really like strongbad e-mails and teengirl squad. It's good for a barrel of laughs.
Well I am going to get ready for the moive, I think we are going to see Hitch, so hopefully it's as funny as it looks. I am kinda behind on my homework, but I will do it tomorrow. We are also going to look at our house and my parents and Lauren's parents are coming to see it. So I think this is it kids! But here are some things I have been thinking about: how do cameras work? And what ever happened to that Krystal light drink? And those yummy kuala snacks? O! Dunkarros were so good! Alex got me some of those and we ate them on the way to Hawaii. Mmmm. Ok I'm really going to go now, so BYE BYE!

1 comment:

Chris said...

In response to your comment about how we take the pictures by ourselves: I set the timer and sit the camera on a rock.