Monday, February 21, 2005


Ok, well I really should be going to bed. Because it's late and I have to wake up early. But I just wanted to come on and say a few things. First of all I titled this peice "Ebony" because it's really dark in this room and I just learned that word this weekend. What a great word. Secondly, I just finished writing these setting things for creative writing and I think I did mine wrong. Oh well I am doing really bad in school right now. But we won't talk about that.
On the other hand I have good news. I have somewhat recovered my imagination. I didn't get all of it back, but it's coming back to me slowly. I just needed a little inspiration and a little bit of love and WHAM it's gonna all hit me. No, not really. The point here is that I am feeling a little better upstairs but I still have some cobwebs to clean out. So my point being I am writing my speech about dreams (Ashley actually helped me think of that) and my story is about all this interesting stuff. Even though Lauren did mention that it was kinda like the Disney movie "Johnny Sunami"...yeah...
Also, I would just like to say a few of my favorite words: Plethora, epiphony, tubular, annialate, DOMINATE, luscious, enchanted, spectacular... those are just a few. I just felt like saying that. Don't make fun of me. And here kids is the defination of the day Talisman is a trinket, object or charm. Another thing I would like to say is Hitch was pretty funny, and I had a good weekend. But I didn't get anything done. But if you have nothing else to do you can:

A. Have a dance party with your friends to old NSYNC music
B. Make up creepy voices to songs (especially interesting parts of songs)
C. Listen to your roommate and the kid next door get in a "fight"
D. Lint roll your floor
E. Watch the All-Star dunk contest.
So there are some things you can do if there is absoutely nothing else to do. In which case there usually isn't and then those things turn out to be a lot of fun. But I really did have fun dancing to Nsync. And making up the voices. That was a good night. Or you can always make up characters with your roommate... you have the dorks with the glasses and high pants--Chad and Peter, you have your deep voiced man, Dan, you have your Asian get the point. But it's always good for some laughs.
Well I'm going to go to bed. This was pretty unproductive as usual, but otherwise I would just be sleeping... and how fun is that. Especially when you have weird dreams about random people. Ok well goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was a sweet dance party...don't deny it!